Console | Windows forms | WPF | ASP.NET | Xamarin
Jave Console | Java FX | Java Swing
Python Console | Tkinter | PyQt | Django | Flask
Plain php | Laravel | CodeIginter
HTML5 | CSS3 | Bootstrap | Tailwind
Plain Js | JQuery | Node | Vue | React | Angular
Console | web projects
Console Assignments | Windows forms | VB ASP.NET
Upon further review of the previous assignment, you have determined that you can make your application (from Week 1) more efficient by replacing the arrays with Lists.Please NOTE: The RUBRIC for this...
Design an application that converts miles into feet and its equivalent metric kilometer measurement. Declare and initialize miles to 4.5. Show your miles and kilometers formatted in two positions to t...
Web Database Project - Phase 1Think of a useful application for a database. If possible, try to come up with something that would be useful for you or a friend. Some ideas that come to mind are databa...
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