Write a class Store which includes the attributes: store name and sales tax rate. Write another class encapsulating a Yarn Store, which inherits from Store. A Yarn Store has the following additional attributes: how many skeins of yarn are sold every year and the average price per skein. Code the constructor, accessors, mutators, toString and equals method of the super class Store and the subclass Yarn Store; In the Yarn Store class, also code a method returning the average taxes per year. You should create a test class which creates 1 Store object and 2 Yarn Store objects, then calls your set methods, get methods, toString and equals methods and average taxes per year for the Yarn Store objects. Remember to submit your pseudocode algorithm (use keywords from https://ccse.kennesaw.edu/fye/pseudocode/pseudocodereference.php) , all your .java files, .class files and screenshots of your code and output. Add a comment heading on all .java files: • Name • Date • Assignment • Sources used to complete the assignment: (this may be text and page numbers, tutor names and dates, a specific link, etc)
Program grading: 1. Submitted pseudocode showing logic steps to perform required task(s) ( 1 pt) 2. Submitted java File (1 pt) – include indentations and spacing, use of good naming conventions for variable and class names. 3. Submitted .class File (1 pt) 4.. Submitted Screenshot of properly coded and presented output (and input if required) (1pt) 5. Properly working code applying techniques learned in weekly lesson (1pt)
Each assigned program is worth 5 pts,
EXTRA IF YOU WANT Exercise #1: Design and implement a program (name it PrintSum) that prompts the user for an integer values between 1 and 100. The program then uses a while loop to determine and print out the sum of all values between 1 and the entered value. The program rejects invalid input values with proper message such “Invalid Input. Try again.” Document your code and properly label the input prompt and the outputs as shown below.
Sample run 1:
You entered: 10 Sum of values: 55
Sample run 2:
You entered: 120 Invalid input. Try again.
Sample run 3:
You entered: 20 Sum of values: 210
Exercise #2: Design and implement a programming (name it EvenOdd) that uses a while loop to determine and print out all even numbers between 50 and 100 on a single line, separated by commas. Then another while loop in the same program to print out all odd numbers between 50 and 100 on a new line, separated by commas. Document your code and properly label the outputs as shown below.
Even numbers between 50 and 100: 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62, 64, …
Odd numbers between 50 and 100: 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, 65, …
Exercise #3: (RandomNumbers) Write a for loop that will generate and display 10 random numbers from 1 to 50. Output all of the randomly gener