The client "Lunardo" is happy with your work (or happy with your price :-P ) and wants you to continue developing the website, implementing server side programming functionality. As part of the development process, the client wants you to have a debug module visible at the bottom of the page (ie under the footer) so that the inner workings of the page are visible when testing: request data $_GET and $_POST must be visible, what is in the $_SESSION (ie the shopping cart) and your page code. A file called tools.php must be created to house ALL PHP functions in one place and included near the top of your file. This file should have session_start() near the top so that your page has access to the session object. Movie data may be loaded from a spreadsheet using the fgetcsv() function, but this is an advanced task for interested students only. As much as possible, initialising and processing variables should be in organised structures rather than as disparate ad-hoc variables. You should also organise processing and validating code into functions so that the index and receipt pages are not cluttered with initialising and processing code.