Write a PHP script that allows different users to keep a blog. When opening the site, there is a list of all bloggers on the left. The visitor can choose the person from whom he wants to read the blogs in this list. These blogs are then shown on the right, with the most recent blog on top.
After logging in you can only edit / delete your own blogs, but the user admin can edit and delete the blogs of all users.
You must compile the tables yourself in the "dbLOI" database.
Your elaboration must meet the following conditions:
-Well-formed HTML structure.
-Give the program the title "Submission order 051R7".
-Provide a neat and clear layout.
-Provide a clear structure for storing the files on the server. Tip: Use subdirectories.
-Use different colors and at least one picture.
-Ensure error handling if the connection to the server or the database can not be established.
-Create a central file containing the data for access to the database.
-Use your own error_handler (see also practice assignment 22-1).
-In addition to a send button, you must also have a "reset" button on the entry form to delete the completed, but not yet sent, data from the form.
-Test whether all required database fields have been entered in the form and give a notification if this is not the case and give the user the possibility to restore the data.
-There must be a page on which the user can register with his name and his e-mail address (as username).
-The user admin must be entered in the database as name = 'admin', emailaddress = '<your emaildres>'. This special user must NOT be shown in the list of users.
-The password must be automatically generated, stored encrypted and mailed to the user.
-There must be a page on which the user can log in.
-Add a time aspect to the blog for cases where a blog is written twice on the same day.
-There must be a menu with at least two options "Home" and "Log in".
-On the homepage is a vertically oriented list on the left with the names of all bloggers.
-Upon entering the site there is a welcome text to the right of the list of bloggers with some information about the (operation of the) site.
-If the visitor chooses a name from the list, all the blogs (date, subject and blog text) of that person are shown with the most recent blog at the top.
-When the user is logged in, the menu is modified: instead of "Log in" you will see "Logout" and an option "Edit" will be added.
-After logging in or clicking on "Edit", a list of all the blogs (date and subject) of the logged-in user (with the most recent at the top) is displayed on the right, followed by two options: edit and delete. If "Edit" is chosen, a form with the subject and the blog text must be displayed and the subject and / or the blog text can be adjusted. If "Delete" is chosen, the blog must be removed from the database.
-After a blogger has stepped up, it should be immediately displayed at the top of the list with all of its blogs with the edit / delete option.
-The list of users of the blog must remain available on the page constantly. Think of it as a menu that has a fixed place on a site.
-Entered returns when entering a blog must also be displayed on the screen as such.
-Giving reactions to a blog falls outside the scope of the assignment.
-The special admin user can change or delete the blogs of any user. If this user is logged in, the options "Edit" and "Delete" will always be displayed behind a blog.
-Use of Java (script) is prohibited.
-Make sure your code does not contain dependency as a result of which it does not work on another server.