Write a linear running time complexity program in Java to find all the dominant elements in the given array of integers.
An element is a dominant element if is greater than all the elements to its right side. The rightmost element in the array is always a dominant element.
For example, in the array {16, 17, 4, 3, 5, 2}, dominant elements are 17, 5 and 2.
Important Notes:
· You must add the main method in your program in order to test your implementation.
· There are no data errors that need to be checked as all the data will be assumed correct.
· You can use the array of the previous example to test your program, however, I suggest that you also use other input arrays to validate the correctness and efficiency of your solution.
· Your program MUST be submitted only in source code form (.java file).
· A program that does not compile or does not run loses all correctness points.
Problem 2:
Write a program in Java to implement a recursive search function
int terSearch(int A[], int l, int r, int x)that returns the location of x in a given sorted array of n integers A if x is present, otherwise -1.
The terSearch search function, unlike the binary search, must consider two dividing points
int d1 = l + (r - l)/3 int d2 = d1 + (r - l)/3
For the first call of your recursive search function terSearch you must consider l = 0 and r = A.length - 1.
Important Notes:
· For this problem you must add the main method in your program in order to test your implementation.
· There are no data errors that need to be checked as all the data will be assumed correct.
· Your program MUST be submitted only in source code form (.java file).
· A program that does not compile or does not run loses all correctness points.
Problem 3:
(a) Implement a sublinear running time complexity recursive function in Java public static long exponentiation(long x, int n)
to calculate xn.
Note: In your function you can use only the basic arithmetic operators (+, -, *, %, and /).
(b) What is the running time complexity of your function? Justify.
(c) Give a number of multiplications used by your function to calculate x63.
Important Notes:
· For the item (a):
o you must add the main method in your program in order to test your implementation.
o there are no data errors that need to be checked as all the data will be assumed correct.
o your function you can use only the basic arithmetic operators (+, -, *, %, and
o Your program MUST be submitted only in source code form (.java file).
A program that does not compile or does not run loses all correctness points.