Java Manage customer data

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Week 8 Assignment: Manage customer data Console

Welcome to the Customer Manager


list    - List all customers

add     - Add a customer

del     - Delete a customer

help    - Show this menu

exit    - Exit this application

Enter a command: list

CUSTOMER LIST               Frank               Jones              John                Smith                  Cynthia             Green                 Wendy               Kowolski

Enter a command: add

Enter customer email address:

Enter first name: Mick

Enter last name: Stipe

Mick Stipe was added to the database.

Enter a command: list

CUSTOMER LIST               Frank               Jones              John                Smith                  Cynthia             Green                      Mick                Stipe                 Wendy               Kowolski

Enter a command: del

Enter email for customer to delete:

Mick Stipe was deleted from the database.

Enter a command: list

CUSTOMER LIST               Frank               Jones              John                Smith                  Cynthia             Green                 Wendy               Kowolski


Enter a command: exit



Project 20-2: Manage customer data (cont.) Operation

· This application begins by displaying a menu with five choices: list, add, del, help, and exit.

· If the user enters “list”, the application displays the customer data.

· If the user enters “add”, the application prompts the user to enter data for a customer and saves that data.

· If the user enters “del”, the application prompts the user for an email address and deletes the corresponding customer.

· If the user enters “help”, the application displays the menu again.

· If the user enters “exit”, the application displays a goodbye message and exits.


· Create a table in the mma database described in chapter 19 to store the necessary data. To do that, you can use the SQL script stored in the create_customer_table.sql file that’s supplied. If this script isn’t supplied, you can create your own SQL script.

· Create a class named Customer that stores data for the user’s email address, first name, and last name.

· Create a class named CustomerDB that contains the methods necessary to get an array list of Customer objects, to get a Customer object for the customer with a specified email address, to add a row to store the data in a Customer object, and to delete a row for the specified email address.

· Create a CustomerApp class that works as shown in the console output. This class should use the Customer and CustomerDB classes to work with the customer data.

· Use the Console class described in chapter 8 or a variation of it to get the user’s entries.

· Use the StringUtil class described in chapter 9 to use spaces to align the columns of data.

· Add an “update” command that lets the user update an existing customer. This command should prompt the user to enter the email address for a customer. Then, it should let the user update the first name and last name for the customer.

· Add a method to the Console class that uses string parsing techniques to validate the email address. At the least, you can check to make sure that this string contains some text, followed by an @ sign, followed by some more text, followed by a period, followed by some more text. For example, “x@x.x” would be valid while “xxx” or “x@x” would not.

