Using the algorithms from the Initial Algorithm Testing Assignment (repeated below) complete the form to write the code to represent each line of the algorithm. Also complete the Identifiers/Types box with appropriate information.
Algorithm #1 Code Identifiers/types
Get the length and the width from user
Area = length times width
Perimeter = 2 times length + 2 times width
Print the Area
Print the Perimeter
Algorithm #2 Code Identifiers/types
Get the payrate from user
Get the hours worked from user
Gross = payrate times hours worked
Taxes = Gross time .12 (given 12% tax rate)
Net = Gross – Taxes
Print Net
Algorithm #3 Code Identifiers/types
(Start by fixing the logic problem)
Get 4 test scores from the user (test1, test2, test3, test4)
Average = test1 + test2 + test3 + test4 / 4
Print Average