Developing skills implementing C# syntax, including:-manipulation of arrays,-GUI events-event handlers-control properties-formatting output
Overview:In this assignment you are given a partial Visual Studio project that has a graphicalinterface that will allow users to enter the duration of a call and the destination area code.Using that information the application will then display the relevant information from theparallel arrays and calculate the total charges for the call. You will need to add the requiredlogic to complete the application.
Steps:1. Add the statements to display the area codes into the CombBox control using theForm_Load event. This is event is called just after the form object is created and isuseful to setup the starting conditions of the graphical interface.
2. Add the logic required in the ComboBox SelectedIndexChanged event to display therate, minimum time duration and the calculated call charge. Please ensure that thenumeric values are right justified in the appropriate fields with the rate and total chargefields displayed as currency. The charge for the call is calculated as follows:
a. Any call at or below the minimum time duration will be charged using theapplicable rate multiplied by the minimum time duration.
b. Calls that exceed the minimum time duration will be charged using theapplicable rate multiplied by the length of the call.
3. Add appropriate events and logic to recalculate the cost of the call when the userupdates the duration of the call even if the area code is not changed.