Java Grades

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A teacher has 6 students who have taken 3 tests. The teacher uses the following grading scale to assign a letter grade toa student, based on the average of his or her 3 test scores.

Test Score Range Letter Grade 90-100 A 80-89 B 70-79 C 60-69 D 0-59 F

Create a class called Grades (java file called with the (exact) following fields and methods (these namesand caps exactly):

Filed/Method Description Names An array of strings or ArrayList object to hold the 6 students’ names LetterGrades An array of six characters to hold the six students’ letter grades Test1Scores An array of doubles to hold each student’s Test 1 scores Test2Scores An array of doubles to hold each student’s Test 2 scores Test3Scores An array of doubles to hold each student’s Test 3 scores EnterData Allow the user to input (in the console) the 6 students’ name, test 1 score, test 2 score, ands test 3scores. The code should validate the score (only between 0 and 100) and ask again for the wrong valuesuntil the correct value is entered. GetNames Outputs the student names (one student per line) GetName Outputs a student’s name, student number given as an argument GetTestScores Outputs a student’s test scores, student number given as an argument GetTestScore Outputs a student’s test score, student number given as an argument, targeted test given as the secondargument GetAverageScore Outputs a student’s test score average (for the 3 tests), student number given as an argument GetLetterGrades Outputs the students’ letter grades GetLetterGrade Outputs a student’s letter grades, student number given as an argument GetClassAverage Outputs the class average: the average of the 6 students’ test score average. GetTopGrade Outputs the top grade: the maximum/largest test score average from all 6 students.

Demonstrate the class in a program/project called [YourName]-Assignment7 (replace [YourName] with your actualname) in the same project as the You will need to add the class Grades to the project and add your code tothe project class main method. The program should allow the user to enter each student’s name and his or her 3 testscores and store them in a Grades object. The program should use the values from the Grades object to display in a tableformat each student’s name, average test score, and letter grade (one row per student), and at the end output the classaverage and the top score (using the class methods).You can lose additional points for not documenting your code, for naming the programs, files, classes, fields, andmethods as requested, not submitting the correct files, cheating, hardcoding the results (i.e. printing out the expectedresults instead of computing the values and then outputting the computed values), and using concepts we did not learnin class yet.Take screenshots of the editor window (showing the entire source code and the entire output) and pastethem in a Microsoft Word document called [YourName]-Assignment7-Screenshots.docx. Replace [YourName]with your actual name. If the entire code or the output does not fit in one screenshot, create multiplescreenshots and add them to the screenshots document.SUBMIT the [YourName], source files, and the [YourName]-Assignment7-Screenshotsdocument on eCampus under the Assignment 7.