Only Java Programmer

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In a course, a teacher gives the following tests and assignments:• A lab activity that is observed by the teacher and assigned a numeric score.• A pass/fail exam that has 10 questions. The minimum passing score is 70,• An essay that is assigned a numeric score.• A final exam that has 50 questions.

Write a class named CourseGrades. The class should have an array of GradedActivity objects as a field. The array should be named grades. The grades array should have four elements, one for each of the assignments previously described. The class should have the following methods;


This method should accept a GradedActivity object as its argument.This object should have already hold the student's score for thelab activity. Element 0 of the grades field should reference thisobject


This method should accept a PassFailExan object as its argument.This object should already hold the student's score for the pass/failexam. Element I of the grades field should reference the object.


This method should accept an Essay object as its argument, (SeeProgramming Challenge 4 for the Essay class. If you have notcompleted Programming Challenge 4, use a GradedActivity objectinstead.) This object should already hold the student's score forthe essay, Element 2 of the grades field should reference thisobject.


This method should accept a FinalExam object as its argument. This object should already hold the student’s score for the final exam. Element 3 of the grades field should reference this object.

toString:This method should return a string that contains the numericscores and grades for each element in the grades array

Demonstrate the class in a program.



Additional requirements:

1. Need to have proper design ( UML with Flowchart) via Dia app. Flowchart should be drawn  for each method in UML.

2. Proper comments.

3.Proper doc-string describing  each method in code.

4.Proper Documentation should be for the code.