Only Java Programmer

Order Description

Please See attachment for details:

Due on the final day by the end of the final exam ( 12/09 @ 11:50PM - the link will be active until 11:50pm, but you do not want to leave it to the last minute. No late submission will be accepted even if it is due to technical problems. )

What to use in your completed code

Get input from file.Ask user at least a single question and read at least one answer.Use at least a single method from Math class.Use at least one overloaded constructor.Use at least one if-else-if, while, for, and enhanced for loops.Use methods to pass and return identifiers and objects.Pass arrays to/from methods.Use at least a method to sort the array in the project.Use inheritance and polymorphism.Use exception handling. Use input validation.Pass the input and output files as commandline arguments.

Additional requirements:

1. Need to have proper design ( UML with Flowchart) via Dia app. Flowchart should be drawn  for each method in UML.

2. Proper comments.

3.Proper doc-string describing  each method in code.

4.Proper Documentation should be for the code.


Sample for docstring


*Description: This program will displays a string without any user interaction

*Class: Fall - COSC 1437.81002

*Assignment1: ########

*Date: 08/15/2011

*@author  ########

*@version 0.0.0



For each method, you will also be required to create docstring as follows:


*The ### class do #####################

* @param String as args


* @return Termination code as int, 0 for normal, anything else is error condition


* @throws Nothing is implemented
