You are required to design and implement a “Maths Test” program that generates and presents simple maths questions to the user for them to answer. Once the test has been completed, the program display...
Develop a program to generate and take a quiz. The program takes quiz questions from a file named quizQuestions.txt, generates the quiz for the user to take and then checks the answers. The quiz sco...
In this assignment, you will write JavaScript statements to perform a series of calculations. You will use either the document.writeor document.getElementByIdmethods to write the result of the calcula...
Use a stack to determine whether or not a string has balanced usage of parenthesis. Example: (), ()(), (({[]})) - Balanced ((), {{{)}],[][]]] - Not balanced Balanced Example:{[]} Non-Balanc...
1. Your supervisor has requested that you design a secure application that will keep track of inventory in the warehouse of the ABC Computer Parts Corporation. This application will be accessible both...