1. INTRODUCTION You have been using the security tools in Kali Linux for your lab exercises. However, to be IT security professional, we cannot behave like a script kiddy who just wait for someone to...
The AES standard is a NIST standard. It is a symmetric cypher, (i.e. the same key is used for encryption and decryption, see pg. 140 of the Cormen text). The NSA has approved the algorithms use to p...
TITLE Selection Structure (if, if..else, if..else ..if, nested if, swithc) – Representative Salary TIME TO COMPLETE Two weeks COURSE OBJECTIVES – LEARNING OUTCOME After finish the lab4 students should...
The program shows a tree. By and by, birds appear in the tree, they look left and right, or disappear at random. Suddenly an evil cat shows up! The birds are scared and fly away. Then, new birds start...
Overview Many Java programs that you create will receive and process user input. In order to ensure that user input is accurate, you will need to use input validation and exception handling. For exam...