The objective of this task is to develop a better understanding of process synchronization and deadlock handling. Traffic light problem is a classical example of synchronization and deadlock handling...
Assignment instructions: Description: In this assignment, you will practice what you have learned about loops, lists and functions by implementing a database of the planets. Deliverables: - You sho...
The client "Lunardo" is happy with your work (or happy with your price :-P ) and wants you to continue developing the website, implementing server side programming functionality. As part of the develo...
Write a java console application that allows the user to read, validate, store, display, sort and search data (name, age, taxable income, tax, tax group) for N taxpayers. N should be declared as a con...
Create a new table in your database called students. The table should include 2 columns; student_name and student_grade (number from 0 - 100). Create 3 new php files called student_list.php, add_stude...